Make the Most of Your Home’s Garage

January 2, 2015

Our garages are more than just a place to park our vehicles. They often turn into storage spaces for sports equipment, excess furniture, gardening supplies, tools, bikes, shoes and more! All these items combined can equal clutter. At Luetgert Development, we want our customers to make the most of their garages. Add garage organization to your New Year’s home resolution list and complete the following steps.

Clear Out the Garage

When taking on a project like this, it’s best to start fresh. Step one is to pull everything out of your garage. Move items to your driveway, lawn or a room inside your home. While you’re at it, take the opportunity to repaint, repurpose the floors and clean if needed. Now that you have an empty space to work with, you can come up with a plan and start visualizing new ways to organize objects.

Get Rid of the Excess

Sort the Items in Your Garage and Get Rid of Excess

Next, it’s time to sort everything into piles of want you would like to keep, donate, or throw away. Every family accumulates stuff over time and has things they no longer need. Have your children outgrown their bikes? Do you really use your volleyball net? Are you hanging on to old toys, movies, or games? Remember, each box is taking up space in your garage. Once you have decided what stays and what should go, have a yard sale or take items to an organization that could use them.

Organize the Space

Before you bring “the keepers” back into your garage, make sure you have enough organization supplies. Think shelving, bike hooks, cabinetry, labels and plastic bins. The more you can keep things off of the ground, the better. Sort all the items into categories. Then place them into zones. For instance, have a space for your sporting goods, another for your gardening tools, etc. It is also important to place object you use frequently in an area you can easily access.

Is garage organization on your to-do list for 2015? Do you have additional tips for homeowners to optimize their garage space? Share them with us on social media and happy organizing!

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